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Selfless Development & Creating Impactful Relationships

From the Show: Health Radio
Summary: How can you be selfless and develop stronger relationships?
Air Date: 2/12/16
Duration: 10
Host: Melanie Cole, MS
Guest Bio: Kristin Sheffer, Life Coach
Kristin ShefferKristin Sheffer is a 27-year-old former executive at Bromide Mining LLC, a gold mining subsidiary of Rochoet New York, Inc, a commodities trading firm based out of New York City. From the age of 19 to 26, Kristin invested her blood, sweat, and tears into advancing up the corporate ladder, against many odds, ultimately arriving at Partnership in 2013.

She began as an assistant to the CEO, Erez Goldgraber, after deciding to discontinue her college education. Determined to chase her dream of becoming a successful business woman, she took a risk on herself and accomplished significant success in a unique field, at a very young age.

At the peak of that career, she was Director of Compliance over a staff of 20 men and two women, with managerial responsibilities over three locations: a corporate office in Miami, FL, an administrative office in Hanksville, UT, and an active mine site located remotely in the Henry mountains. The diversity of her corporate experience affords her both administrative and executive expertise in areas ranging from human resources to team management; basic accounting to P&L functions; as well as practical field competencies in operations, logistics, training, and compliance. Perhaps most notable of all is her proven ability to go from an ‘average employee’ too invaluable asset in a mainstream business.

In late 2014, Kristin resigned from Bromide Mining on amicable terms in pursuit of her next business endeavor, but this time, it was one with much more personal meaning.

Kristin faced several of life’s more personal challenges, and it resulted in a brand new outlook on what truly matters in life. Enduring divorce, infidelity, and various levels of personal loss turned an already strong young woman into an unstoppable, relentless, purpose driven, powerhouse.

Kristin founded her personal development company, Simply Free, in January 2015, out of the desire to equip others with the necessary tools to find their purpose and begin living it out. Simply Free offers educational, practical, individual, and group resources to assist people in their journey towards self-discovery. All of her programs are fundamentally based on her signature method called Selfless Development, which teaches the most efficient and effective way to find lasting happiness is through discovering your purpose and combining it with a lifestyle of altruism.

In January 2016, Kristin articulated this method into her first published book, titled Selfless Development: How to Find Your Purpose, which is now distributed worldwide via Amazon. After analyzing the successful results with her high-income, in-person coaching clients, she decided to package her expertise into an affordable and convenient offering available to the masses. She restructured into a subscription-based online coaching resource available to everyone.

At the core, Kristin’s passion is helping others not just professionally, but voluntarily. Although her world travels are extensive, having been to 14 countries for professional and personal reasons; she has served on six international relief trips to Latin, South and Central America, working with multiple different initiatives for impoverished orphans, starving elderly, and at-risk teens. Not only abroad, but locally she engages with organizations such as Miami Rescue Mission, Kristi House, and His House Children’s Home. Her passion for helping others gradually evolved into hosting monthly volunteer events to promote group participation among peers and clients.

Kristin’s story is one that inspires fellow millennials to strive higher than just financial success, or professional accomplishment by exemplifying how to combine career success with a grounded lifestyle of humanitarianism.

  • Book Title: Selfless Development: How to Find Your Purpose
  • Guest Facebook Account:
  • Guest Twitter Account: @simplysheffer
Selfless Development & Creating Impactful Relationships
The world has become digitally driven over the past decade.

The ways to forge relationships and meet new people has changed, as a lot of interaction takes place through social groups online.

The instant gratification of having everything at one’s fingertips in seconds has altered how people expect relationships to develop. The younger generations have a hard time developing lasting relationships.

How can you be selfless and develop stronger relationships?

Life coach Kristin Sheffer shares steps you can follow to become more compassionate and have stronger relationships.