Selected Podcast

Ask Dr. Darria with Dr. Pam Peeke from HealthyWomen

February is National Eating Disorders Awareness Month, so we wanted to dedicate an Ask Dr. Darria segment to this important issue. Dr. Pamela Peeke, an internationally renowned physician, nutrition and fitness expert, and Assistant Professor at the University of Maryland, will be answering important questions surrounding eating disorders.

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Ask Dr. Darria with Dr. Pam Peeke from HealthyWomen
Featured Speaker:
Pam Peeke, MD
Pam PeekeDr. Peeke is an internationally renowned physician and expert in nutrition and fitness, acclaimed TED speaker, chief lifestyle expert for WebMD, New York Times bestselling author, Pew Foundation Scholar in nutrition and metabolism, and Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Maryland. Known as the “doc who walks the talk”, Dr. Peeke is a triathlete, Senior Olympian and member of the National Senior Games Foundation.