
Ask an Expert: Russ Paulson from the Red Cross on Fire Safety

From the Show: Sharecare Radio
Summary: Russ Paulson shares what you and your family should have planned and in place in case of a fire.
Air Date: 4/21/15
Duration: 10 Minutes
Guest Bio: Russ Paulsen
Russ PaulsenRuss Paulsen is the Executive Director of Community Preparedness and Resilience Services at the American Red Cross. Russ Paulsen leads nationwide community preparedness and resilience-building programs. In his 25 years with the Red Cross, Paulsen has been a leader of some of the largest disaster response and recovery efforts in the organization’s history, including the Hurricane Katrina and September 11 recovery programs. Before being called to Washington, Paulsen spent 14 years with Red Cross chapters in the San Francisco Bay Area. Paulsen has a bachelor’s degree from the University of California, Riverside, and a Master’s degree in political science from the University of California, Berkeley.
Ask an Expert: Russ Paulson from the Red Cross on Fire Safety
Russ Paulson, Executive Director of Community Preparedness and Resilience Services at the American Red Cross, goes over the things you need to have in place to keep you and your family safe in case of a fire.