Which Way is Life
Which Way is Life? is designed to help busy, overworked, stressed out people find their way to a more balanced, healthier, inspired life. Two times a week host Bill Klaproth will interview trendsetting doctors, fitness professionals, life coaches, meditation experts and more in a quest for transformational discovery and positive change.

Post-Election Special - Coming Together: Carol Miller

From the Show: Which Way is Life
Summary: Special Post-Election Bonus Edition: How we can come together when divided. 
Air Date: 11/9/16
Duration: 14:50
Host: Bill Klaproth
Guest Bio: Carol Miller

Carol MillerCarol CC Miller, a positivity consultant, has touched millions to live life with maximum joy and passion through personal coaching, writing, speaking and running her nonprofit organization Positive Focus.
  • Guest Facebook Account: www.facebook.com/iampositivefocus/ & www.facebook.com/iamcarolccmiller/ ​
Positivity Coach Carol Miller helps us learn why a deep dive into gratitude is what is needed when things don’t go your way, why we shouldn’t go negative and assume the worst, and how parents should navigate this with their kids.

What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • Why it’s ok to feel what you feel... happy if your candidate won or frustrated or sad if your candidate lost, before moving forward.
  • Why it’s important to pause before posting on social media and think about how you want to present yourself.
  • Why we need to hold each other in the highest esteem.
  • What happens to you when you complain.
  • How to disagree with someone and still be respectful.

Connect with Carol!

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