A constant question that health experts and marketing companies argue is whether or not a product is good or bad for your health. The famous Got Milk? campaign suggests you need milk in your diet in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Is this true?
For years, you thought that milk was a great source of protein and ignored the rest of the label. Did you forget to look at saturated fat, the caloric intake of just two glasses of milk and all the sugar?
Studies have shown that the protein and calcium intake from milk leads to a higher risk of osteoporosis. Milk can also increase your insulin growth factor.
Did you know you can get your vitamins and minerals from green leafy plants?
A great example is kale. Containing 2.9 grams of protein per cup, this green also contains 134 percent of your recommended daily intake of vitamin C, 133 percent of your daily intake of vitamin A, 10 percent of your calcium intake, and zero cholesterol.
Everyday juicer, Ray Doudstar, and Dr. Holly Lucille put the myths about cow's milk to rest and discuss other ways you can get your important vitamins, minerals and nutrients.