Articulate, passionate and humorous, Dr. Holly Lucille breaks down the myths and misconceptions about health and health related topics.

Encore Episode: Emotions & Chronic Symptoms

From the Show: Mindful Medicine
Summary: How are emotions tied to chronic symptoms?
Air Date: 11/19/19
Duration: 27:52
Host: Holly Lucille, RN, ND
Guest Bio: Chris Gilbert, MD, PhD
Dr. Chris GilbertDr. Chris Gilbert, MD, PhD, is the author of THE LISTENING CURE: Healing Secrets of an Unconventional Doctor.

She is also a speaker and physician with expertise in Integrative and Holistic Medicine, including Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Bio-identical Hormones, Supplements and Gestalt Therapy.
  • Book Title: The Listening Cure
  • Guest Facebook Account: www.facebook.com/DrChrisGilbertMD
  • Guest Twitter Account: @DrChrisGilbert
Encore Episode: Emotions & Chronic Symptoms
Do you have a chronic condition that doesn’t go away despite traditional treatment? If your physician can’t improve it with medications or treatments, there may be an emotional or behavioral component to your symptoms.

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We live in a quick fix society. Doctors conduct quick consultations. Patients are eager to dash out the door. Pharmacies are ready to dispense a rapid fix. It takes longer to discover the deep origin of long-term symptoms.

You have to express your bottled up emotions. Journal, sing or dance those emotions away. Paint to work through what’s inside of you.

The body uses pain to communicate. Listen to your body. What is happening inside that is manifesting itself outside? How does your body respond to the foods you’re eating?

Listen as Dr. Chris Gilbert joins Dr. Holly Lucille to share how emotion can provoke and stimulate symptoms.


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