In this edition of Healthy Steps, with Dr. Ginger, the good doctor discusses a recent study in the Cell Metabolism Journal which found that middle aged people who eat a diet high in animal protein from milk, meat, eggs and cheeses are 4 times more likely to die from diseases like cancer and diabetes.
The 20 year study polled 5,300 people near the age of 50. Their protein consumption was approximately 2/3 of their protein intake, similar to that of popular diets including paleo, Atkins and Mediterranean.
You may not even realize that the amount of animal proteins you eat may be causing health concerns.
Dr. Ginger suggests that you cut back on the amount of red meat and animal proteins in your diet. Reducing consumption to only one meal a day can make a drastic difference to your health and the way you feel.
One way to replace these proteins would be by eating more plant-based proteins including; green juices, kale, broccoli, seaweed and avocados.
There are plenty of options available when it comes to eating healthy and getting the proper amino acids and building blocks that are required to keep your body healthy and properly energized.
Do your research and find what works best for you.