Are you aware of the power behind the way you think?
Without even realizing it, your thought process from the time you wake up in the morning can shape your attitude for the rest of your day.
You are also capable of transforming these daily thoughts into habits.
What is thinking technology?
Thinking can be used just like a technology; it can better your life, OR your thoughts can work against you.
How do you access your positive thoughts and use them to happily get through the rest of your day?
The first thing you can do is to notice what you're thinkin. Be conscious of what kinds of thoughts you are processing. Then, allow yourself to consciously ask if what you are thinking is expanding you or contracting you.
How else can thinking technology help transform your thoughts into positive ones?
Transformational life coach, Michelle Akda, joins Dr. Holly to discuss what thinking technology means and how you can change the way you think to help empower yourself for the better.