
Longing For The Sun: Avoiding Seasonal Depression

From the Show: Staying Well
Summary: For about 20 percent of people, seasonal depression is serious enough to merit a diagnosis: Seasonal Affective Disorder.
Air Date: 10/22/12
Duration: 10 minutes
Host: Melanie Cole, MS
Guest Bio: Karen Erickson
Karen Erickson is a member of Chicago Healers and founder of Enlightened Healing Center, a unique and natural healing center, which uses the latest technologies, techniques, products, unique classes and seminars to help you heal your mind, body and spirit.

Karen has been learning about natural healing for the past 15 years, when she had to heal her own body from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and other issues. Karen has been certified as a Hypnotherapist since 1999 and belongs to the National Guild of Hypnotists. She is also one of just a few practitioners in the U.S. that have completed Level II training in Psychosomatic Energetics (PSE), which is one of the most revolutionary ways of testing the body's physical, emotional, mental and causal (spiritual) layers, finding the hidden emotions creating the health problems and helping the body to heal on all these levels with homeopathic remedies.

Karen has also been certified on the Ondamed Biofeedback system, which is leading edge energy medicine technology that helps release energy blocks in the body to heal. She also has training and certification is the following categories: Reiki Master Teacher, Quantum Touch Practitioner, Shaman, Kahuna ARCH (Ancient Rainbow Conscious Healing) Practitioner, Animal Communicator, Therapeutic Touch Practitioner, Emotional Release Technique, NLP Practitioner, Light, Sound & Color Therapy, AuraMed Biopulsar-Reflexograph Practitioner & as a Medicine Wheel Practitioner.
    Longing For The Sun: Avoiding Seasonal Depression
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