We want convenience, because we’re used to getting what we want, when we want it.
Losing body fat doesn’t quite work that way, but there are tricks you can incorporate into your daily routine to burn off fat.
Muscle burns fat. Work to gain muscle with cardio and strength training. Keep that muscle metabolically active and the fat will burn.
Choose your meals wisely. You burn up to 20% of the calories you consume during the digestive process. By selecting lean meats, vegetables and whole grains, your body will process your meals wisely.
Have a caffeine pill or a cup of black coffee before your workout. The caffeine will bond with the fat and help it burn.
Sleep in a cold room (66 degrees Fahrenheit or lower). Sleeping in a cold room for several weeks activates fat burning.
Keep in mind that fat comes off in reverse order of how you gain it. If you just got that double chin over the holidays, chances are good that the second chin will be the first fat to go. The place you probably want to lose the fat the most is likely the last place it will leave. Keep up the fitness and smart eating habits and the fat will melt away.
Fitness expert and personal trainer, Joey Thurman, shares his favorite fat burning hacks.