Embarking on life after college can be exciting, yet daunting and overwhelming.
If you're a parent of a college grad, or a graduate yourself, what are some things you should know?
Sara Benincasa, comedian and author, has some tips for both parents and graduates about what to expect in the months and years following college.
First, the real world might not be so welcoming. You're probably not going to get your dream job on the first try. And, if you do, the job might not be what you expected. You're going to get knocked down a few times.
Second, there's nothing wrong with moving back in with your parents (if they'll have you), especially if the alternative is having five roommates squeezed into a two-bedroom apartment. By staying with your folks, you can save money to eventually land where you want to be.
Third, recognize the culture we live in... one of reality TV and instant gratification. What you see on the small or big screen does not represent reality. There is a huge difference between the kind of motivation that makes someone confident, ambitious, and hard-working and the motivation that makes someone entitled.
Remember, there is no such thing as job security. Be confident in yourself and work really hard. Learn resilience.
Finally, for the high school graduate... know this about what college really is: you're essentially buying friends and future help from individuals and scholars. Foster relationships and continue those relationships after you toss your cap on graduation day.