Finding balance amidst the stressors of daily life can be incredibly difficult.
In their new book, The Well Life: How to Use Structure, Sweetness, and Space to Create Balance, Happiness, and Peace, Briana and Dr. Peter Borten share the strategies you need to achieve this all-important balance in your life, even in the face of chaos.
The Bortens focus on three fundamental principles of a satisfying life:
Sweetness: Learn the importance of feeding your life, body, and soul. Schedule sweet activities into your day; things that really nourish you.
Structure: Find out how intelligent structure can give you more spontaneity and freedom, and liberate you from an excessively busy existence. This might include how you plan your day, work towards a goal, or even lay out your kitchen. Understand that freedom isn't lack of structure; rather, structure can foster freedom.
Space: Carve out purposeful space, which allows for perspective... an understanding of the big picture and your place in it. Disconnect from the "human data strain" (emails, texts, social media, etc.) and reconnect to yourself through activities like meditation, yoga, walks in nature or prayer. Make this as much of a priority as your job/career.
Listen in as Briana joins host Lisa Davis to discuss how you can learn to let go of the stress and tension that gets in the way of being happy, authentic, and fully present.
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The Well Life: How to Use Structure, Sweetness, and Space to Create Balance, Happiness, and Peace