Could Your Gut Hold the Secret to Longevity?
Does a healthy gut equal healthy aging? Recent research suggests that good bacteria can help prevent Alzheimer's disease, thyroid and autoimmune disease, and even cancer. In the study, healthy individuals over 90 years of age were shown to have the gut health of a 30-year-old. Dr. Friedman and Kim suggest ways to improve the health of your gut, including consuming fermented foods, apple cider vinegar, and probiotic supplements.
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Eyeball Tattoos: The Dangerous New Trend
A rising trend is for people to get their eyeballs tattooed. The process, called sclera tattooing, involves ink being injected into the white part of the eye. It can result in partial blindness and excruciating pain. The Chew On team's advice? Just don't do it.
Is Lack of Sleep Killing You?
If you're not achieving deep, restorative sleep, you might end up six feet under. Sleep impacts every aspect of your biology. Poor sleep can lead to high blood pressure, stroke, and heart disease/heart attack. It can also impact your hunger cues, resulting in weight gain. Dr. Friedman and Kim provide tips for good sleep hygiene.
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