Excessive vaccines for children may lead to adverse effects on immunity and gut health and contribute to the development of modern illnesses.
There has been a significant change in childhood diagnoses with chronic illnesses over the past few decades. Many children have allergies and asthma compared to population percentages in the past.
Cell-mediated immune response to viruses is what we call “being sick.” Fever, mucus production, feeling bad and rashes are prompted by the cell-mediated response. Seven to ten days of misery result.
Humeral immunity creates antibodies to the virus to fight off its return. This is how chicken pox doesn’t strike the same person twice.
Vaccines may bypass the cell-mediated response, stimulating the humeral response to create the antibodies. Additionally, additives to vaccines may include today’s common allergens like eggs, peanuts or wheat, leading to allergic reactions to these substances.
Listen as Dr. Tom Cowan joins Dr. Susanne Bennett to discuss the complexity of childhood vaccinations.