Fight colds and flu with Hydralyte. Rapid and complete hydration, suitable for all ages and doctor recommended. Use code “hydrakid” to save 30% - sponsor
The most important investment you can make in terms of the safety of your driving teen is giving them a structured experience behind the wheel. The biggest single risk factor for teens is their lack of driving experience. Introduce them to safe but stressful situations while you’re in the car, like interstate driving and country roads. Be clear about driving restrictions for the first few months your child has a license.
Before that learner’s permit is in your child’s hand, you can be a good role model as a driver and avoid distractions.
Consider implementing the Parent-Teen Driver Contract provided by the AAP.
Listen as Dr. Brian Johnston joins Melanie Cole, MS, to discuss safe driving for teens.

Fight colds and flu with Hydralyte. Rapid and complete hydration, suitable for all ages and doctor recommended. Use code “hydrakid” to save 30%