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First, manage your child’s expectations. Instead of a list of every possible thing they want, ask them to narrow it down to what’s most important to them. Talk about that thing and what is realistic and appropriate but will still enjoyable for your kid.
Second, help your child think about others. Take a laundry basket through the house with your child and collect up toys and games that aren’t often used. Discuss how these toys can benefit others who aren’t as fortunate.
Additionally, encourage mindfulness. Embody the season with activities that create a great family time. Schedule it but don’t stress out about it. Decorating a gingerbread house, baking cookies or viewing holiday lights in the neighborhood can be very enjoyable. Be present and put devices aside as you share the activity.
Listen as Dr. Corinn Cross joins Melanie Cole, MS, to discuss how to make the holidays kid-friendly.

Fight colds and flu with Hydralyte. Rapid and complete hydration, suitable for all ages and doctor recommended. Use code “hydrakid” to save 30%