EP 977B - Yoga for the Inflexible Male: A How-To Guide

Summary: For those who aren't as flexible as they'd like to be, the idea of yoga can be a turnoff.
Air Date: 1/28/20
Duration: 17:57
Host: Michael Roizen, MD
Guest Bio: Roy Parvin, "Yoga Matt"
Yoga Matt is the nom de namaste of Roy Parvin and a nod to the everyman of yoga. Parvin is the award-winning fiction author of In the Snow Forest (WW Norton), and a recipient of a National Endowments for the Arts Grant in Literature. Roy is also an elite cyclist; his devotion to yoga began as therapy for a bout of sleeplessness. The yoga proved to be so therapeutic for his insomnia that he became an evangelist of the ancient practice.

Roy Parvin is an award-winning author of literary fiction whose work has won the Katherine Anne Porter Prize in fiction and a National Endowment for the Arts in Literature. His work has been included in the Best American Short Story series. A feature-length motion picture, Voyez Comme Ils Dansent, based on Roy’s novella, “Menno’s Granddaughter,” directed by French auteur, Claude Miller, won the Grand Jury Prize at the 2011 Rome International Film Festival.More recently, Parvin has written Yoga for the Inflexible Male, a funny how-to guide under the nom de namaste of Yoga Matt. Parvin/Yoga Matt discovered the ancient practice during a disastrous misdiagnosis that left him without REM sleep for 339 straight days. Where medicine failed, yoga prevailed—at least in dealing with the fallout of not sleeping, anxiety and panic attacks—until Parvin found a decent doctor who could properly address the problem.Yoga for the Inflexible Male is the first of two books to emerge from this medical crisis. The second is a medical memoir, My Year of Sleeping Dangerously, that will make the rounds of publishers in early 2020, excerpts of which have been published in Psychology Today, where Parvin is a columnist about sleep issues.When not doing yoga, writing or sleeping, Parvin teaches creative writing workshops at the graduate MFA level and at writing conferences.
  • Book Title: Yoga for the Inflexible Male
  • Guest Facebook Account: https://www.facebook.com/roy.parvin.71
  • Guest Twitter Account: @parvin_roy
EP 977B - Yoga for the Inflexible Male: A How-To Guide
The benefits of yoga are many... greater strength, flexibility, and presence of mind, just to name a few.

But, for those who aren't as flexible as they'd like to be, the idea of yoga can be a turnoff. 

Roy Parvin, or "Yoga Matt" as he is known, has an answer. The poses he includes are illustrated and described in depth, and each one contains variations so that they are accessible to anyone, no matter their flexibility.

Yoga Matt joins Dr. Roizen to share practical, down-to-earth advice for weekend warriors, aging athletes, and anyone else who could benefit from a bit more flexibility in their lives.

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