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TBTCE: Kelly LeBrock
For so long the mantra was, "fat will make you fat!"
The attitude on fats has been changing steadily over the last few years, especially in regards to healthy fats.
According to model-turned-health advocate, Kelly LeBrock, "When I eat good fats, I'm thinner than when I don't... and anyone who has a nutritionist that says that low-fat, no-fat skim milk is good, I would run for the hills because they are being given the wrong information."
It may seem like a bold statement, but the growing library of research on the benefits of fats in your diet backs it up.
If your body isn't getting the right "fuel," it can't function at peak levels.
Fats can also be medicinal. Thai people have been using fatty, gelatinous broth for centuries to cure disease; specifically digestive issues like colitis, hyper-acidity, and Crohn's disease.
The thing is, it's not that difficult to introduce these good fats to your diet. From coconut oil and coconut manna to raw butter and avocado, there are countless ways to start getting more fats into your system.
Tune in as Kelly joins Lisa to share some more good fats that you should be eating, as well as simple ways you can start incorporating them into your diet every day.
PLUS, get a step-by-step recipe for Kelly's famous avocado chocolate mousse.
RadioMD Presents: Naturally Savvy | Original Air Date: February 25, 2015
Hosts: Andrea Donsky, RHN & Lisa Davis
Guest: Kelly Le Brock
Honest information about living a healthy lifestyle on RadioMD.com. It’s time for Naturally Savvy with natural visionary Andrea Donsky and health journalist, Lisa Davis.
LISA: I’m Lisa. So glad you’re listening to Naturally Savvy. My co-host Andrea Donsky is off today.
So, I start my day in an interesting way. I get a can of coconut milk, organic, without any guar gum or anything else. I put it in the fridge. I open it up, I add a little bit of Xyla and a little bit of cinnamon and it fills me up for hours. Now, the reason I do this is because healthy fat is good for us.
Here to talk about this is the fabulous Kelly LeBrock. Hi, Kelly.
KELLY: Hello, beautiful! Hello, Boston! I’m glad it’s warming up a little bit. Twenty below or whatever. Yes. You know, I’m much, much happier when I’m eating good fats. I know that sounds crazy. When I eat good fats, I’m thinner than when I don’t and anybody who has a nutritionist that says, “Low fat, no fat skim milk is good,” I would run for the hills because they are being given the wrong information. You’ve never seen a fatter nation and everybody’s “no fat”. Isn’t that true?
LISA: Yes. And, luckily, it’s starting to change. You know, I just spoke with Vinnie Tortorich in another segment about changing views on cholesterol. So, that’s why I wanted to continue this conversation with you and talking about recipes for healthy fat.
Now, what I mentioned isn’t exactly a recipe. I just take some coconut milk, but I try to eat coconut oil. They say you should have a couple of spoonfuls a day, but I just—I don’t know. For me, I don’t like the taste, so that’s why with the coconut milk. What do you do to get more coconut milk or coconut oil into your diet, Kelly?
KELLY: Well, coconut oil, I put it in my bath. I brush my dog’s teeth with it with a little hydrogen peroxide. I use it in everything. I use it to cook with because it can hold the high heats. It is hard to take down but if you put it into salads or you put it into smoothies; that works very nicely. You can also get coconut manna which is delicious. It’s like a butter. It’s a little bit sweeter. But, I’m kind of crazy. I also love raw butter and people say, “Oh, my goodness! That’s so expensive.” But, you know what? At the end of the day, it stops me from having to go to the doctors because my brain is getting the fats that it needs.
I really believe that people who are depressed are depressed because they’re literally dehydrated inside. It’s like if you have a car and you don’t put oil in it, it’s going to sound cranky, right?
LISA: That’s a good point.
KELLY: Basically, we’re just like cars. You need to put in the right water, the right oil. You have to change your tires which means changing your shoes. I don’t know. We’re very simple mechanisms and we’re trying to complicate all these diets. The bottom line is, the best thing for you is fats and one of the things that I love to do is make a gelatinous broth out of fish bones. You know, fish heads or any part that people throw out, I like to put into a soup stock that I make and I make it for like sometimes, 72 hours. And, I will just make it on a boil quickly and I turn it down to a low, low simmer. I throw in rosemary, a big head of garlic, an onion that I stick cloves into, ginger and I let that stuff cure. It’s like a witch’s broth. Then, if I’m sick, I have that to go by. Also, the ancient Chinese, they make these fish broths with the fish heads and it takes people that are terminally ill and gives them the nutrients that they need.
LISA: Oh, that’s fantastic.
KELLY: So, I’m a big proponent. It is fantastic. And then, like one of my favorite things when it’s really cold outside is to take my oatmeal, soak it in water overnight, cover it and soak it in water overnight. Then, you cook it the next day after you’ve drained off that water. It’s so rich and creamy. I throw in some beautiful raw cream with a little pat of raw butter, a little thing of Fresh Alt and some Grade B maple syrup and I’m in Tahiti. It’s so gorgeous.
LISA: It sounds wonderful. You know, a big thing now, I recently spoke with Dave Asprey, who is the Bulletproof diet guy, and I spoke with Grant Peterson, who’s really big into eating a ton of coconut, a ton of healthy fat, almost a no-carb diet. I do like my carbs from my fruits and vegetables. But, they’ve been talking about putting butter or coconut oil in coffee and that seems to be a big thing now. Have you heard about that? Or, tea in the morning?
KELLY: Oh, it’s been around for years. I believe that the Tai people, a lot of these nomadic people use it, too. Yes, because they know the benefits of that fat that floats on top of the hot morning beverage. It takes it and makes it smooth. It’s what this gelatin does. This gelatin broth that I make? It cures all kinds of digestion problems. It can be used successfully in many intestinal disorders like hyperacidity, colitis and Crohn’s because it has all these wonderful things in there that just push everything through. Yes. I’m right on that.
LISA: What about avocados? I know you make really nice avocado mousse that you’ve told me about before.
KELLY: Yes, I did. I love avocados. I’ll put them on anything. I’ll make a nice breakfast burrito and slap one of those on with my nice eggs. Yes, I gave you the recipe for the avocado mousse--chocolate mousse--which is more chocolate. You throw a little vanilla in there, a little agave syrup, little pinch of salt, mix it all in a blender and it’s just divine. You throw it in the fridge until it gets nice and cold and people think they’re eating rea chocolate.
LISA: Mmm. That is so nice. And, that creaminess is so desirable. I don’t eat dairy because I’m sensitive to it, so it’s nice for me. That’s why I love the coconut milk. So, for people out there if they’re vegan or they’re Paleo, there are so many great things you can do now with these healthy fats.
KELLY: Well, yes. And, like I said, I’m way thinner when I’m eating good, healthy fat. And also, you can make ice cream. A lot of ice cream. Do you know where the biggest amount of ice cream is ingested?
LISA: No, I don’t.
KELLY: Alaska. How crazy is that?
LISA: I wouldn’t have guessed that.
KELLY: I know! That’s why I’m bringing it up. It’s because people in Alaska, when it’s really cold, crave that fat. They’d be better off making a nice gelatin stew or whatever, but yes, that’s what it is. They’re craving those creams. Like, the Italians make a lovely gelato that is so rich and creamy that the ice cream isn’t even cold.
LISA: Oh, wow. See, I really like coconut oil ice cream.
KELLY: Oh, that sounds divine. And, also, if you don’t want to do the dairy and you want ice cream, you can use bananas. You peel them, then put the bananas in a nice freezer safe bag, put them in the freezer and then run them through your Champion juicer with whatever fruit you like and you have a lovely bowl of ice cream that’s not.
LISA: Oh, I like that, too. Now, Kelly, do you watch your grains or not really? Or, how does that work for you? It’s like I mentioned probably too many times, that I tend to be more Paleo. I don’t never eat grains, but I don’t eat them very often. I just feel better.
KELLY: I’m a naughty girl and I figure like, I don’t know how long I’m going to be here. None of us do, so if I want to have something, I’m going to have it. I stay away from the whites like white pasta because I’m a pasta freak. I think my mother’s first meal to me was spaghetti. And so now, instead of using white spaghetti, I use the brown rice. I do like my brown rice. I’m a girl that likes her carbs and I’m not going to shrink away from them. I don’t know that I feel that different whether I do or not, but the rest of the time, I eat pretty healthy. I soaked some quinoa last night and I’m sprouting it right now and that’ll be ready in 2 or 3 days. I like my quinoa.
LISA: Oh. Now, talk to us. How do you sprout it? I need to learn more about that.
KELLY: I soak it overnight and then I drain it the next day into a lovely colander that’s especially for sprouting and literally, I just, I keep playing with it. When it’s a little dry, I add a little more water and then, it gets long and hairy. When it’s long and hairy, then it’s time to cook it.
LISA: Really?
KELLY: It gives it a more nutritional value. I think it puts more fiber in it and it’s just delicious and it’s got more crunch to it. Then, I slap olive all over it. I don’t cook with olive oil. Olive oil doesn’t like to be heated up. If you want to use olive oil, use as much as you like, cook your meal and throw it on top afterwards as well as with the salt. You don’t want to cook with the salt. You want to use those as a condiment afterwards, a good quality one.
LISA: I’m so glad you mentioned that. Kelly, this has been great, as always. We have Kelly on twice a month here on Naturally Savvy. You can follow her on Twitter @Kelly LeBrock. I’m so glad you listened today. You can like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @RadioMD and @NaturallySavvy.
Have a great day and stay well.