
Oxalates: What Are They And How Do They Hurt Us?

From the Show: Wellness for Life
Summary: Despite living a healthy lifestyle, are you still suffering from aches, kidney stones, or feeling low energy?
Air Date: 7/31/20
Duration: 30:43
Host: Susanne Bennett, DC
Guest Bio: Sally. K. Norton
Sally K. Norton is a leader, teacher, and coach serving people in need of oxalate-aware eating and support for healing chronic health conditions naturally. Throughout my career in Public Health, she has been lucky to work in many different settings with a wide diversity of people and organizations.

Sally provides nutritional guidance to individuals, businesses, community organizations, and professional associations who are seeking concrete solutions to specific health concerns, and loves to deliver seminars and lectures on nutrition, wellness, and other health topics. Specializing in seminars on the low-oxalate diet for pain and functional disorders, she also offers seminars on a variety of health and lifestyle topics.

Sally’s credentials include a master’s degree in Public Health Leadership from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, a bachelor of science degree in Nutrition Science from Cornell University, and experience in health research and education in medical schools and communities.


  • Guest Facebook Account: https://www.facebook.com/BeFreeToThrive
  • Guest Twitter Account: @BetterLowOx
Oxalates: What Are They And How Do They Hurt Us?

Despite living a healthy lifestyle, are you still suffering from aches, kidney stones, or feeling low energy?

You might have something you’ve never heard of – oxalate poisoning.

Sally K. Norton is a coach, speaker, and expert in all things oxalates - and joins Dr. Susanne to talk about oxalate toxicity, some surprising foods that are high in oxalates (green juice?! Potatoes?!), and how oxalates and calcium affect your gut health.