Naturally Savvy is very passionate about the chemicals found in personal care products for women.
In fact, there is an active petition asking Procter & Gamble to disclose the ingredients of their tampons and pads.
In this segment, founder of Healthy Hoohoo, Stacy Lyon, joins the conversation on the importance of natural feminine hygiene.
Many companies use chemicals in their products, including parabens, which can lead to cancer.
Whether you refer to your privates as your vagina, "down there" or hoohoo, you should be very concerned that your feminine hygiene products are free and clear of harmful chemicals.
When you buy these products, check to make sure they fully disclose their ingredients or steer clear.
Be cautious of words like "fragrance," as these are not regulated and can indicate that there are dangerous chemicals that helped make said fragrance.
Fragrance-free is probably your safest bet.
Do not stand for using products that can make you sick. Rather, do your research, make a change and take a stand next time you buy your feminine hygiene products.
One great resource to learn more about the potential risks and alternatives is Women's Voices.