
Quick Tips to Make Your Home Healthy for the Holidays

From the Show: Naturally Savvy
Summary: There are so many hidden toxins that you bring into your home during the holidays, from artificial trees to synthetic fragrances.
Air Date: 12/16/15
Duration: 10
Host: Andrea Donsky, RHN and Lisa Davis, MPH
Guest Bio: Lisa Beres, Certified Green Building Professional
ron-lisa-beresLisa and Ron Beres are Certified Green Building Professionals, Building Biologists and published authors of several books including Just GREEN It! and the children's book, My Body My House. In addition to testing the health of homes, their consulting business includes celebrities and Fortune 500's. They are award winning television media experts and have appeared on The Rachael Ray Show, The Suzanne Show, The Doctors, Fox & Friends, The Today Show with Matt Lauer, NBC’s Nightly News with Brian Williams, Discovery’s Greenovate and Chelsea Lately on E!
  • Book Title: Just GREEN It! Simple Swaps to Save the Planet + Your Health
  • Guest Facebook Account: https://www.facebook.com/RonandLisaTheHealthyHomeDreamTeam
  • Guest Twitter Account: @RonandLisa
Quick Tips to Make Your Home Healthy for the Holidays
There are so many hidden toxins that you bring into your home during the holidays, from artificial trees to synthetic fragrances. Even the cookware you use to make all your holiday feasts and goodies can contain harmful chemicals.

Lisa Beres, Certified Green Building Professional, joins Naturally Savvy hosts, Andrea Donsky and Lisa Davis, to discuss which toxins are infiltrating your home and how you can avoid them. 

Here are her best tips:

  • Artificial trees are made with polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which contains lead and other dangerous chemicals. These chemicals can get into the dust in the air, so even if you're not constantly touching the tree, there is a residual effect. 
  • While real trees are a great option, they can harbor pollen, mold and other airborne irritants that some individuals simply cannot tolerate. In that case, you can look for a "PE" tree, made with non-toxic polyethylene.
  • Remember to continually damp dust and wipe any ornaments or decorations that you're pulling out of closets or the attic... again, dust is the main conduit for indoor air pollution.
  • Poinsettias are exceptional at removing formaldehyde from indoor air, so make sure you place a few of them around your home.
  • Watch out for scented fragrances (candles, scented sprays) and avoid paraffin wax candles, which are petroleum-based. Look for candles made of soy or beeswax, and ones that are scented with essential oils.
  • Don't forget to change your furnace filters as well and invest in an air purifier; both are quite affordable.

Listen in as Beres shares even more tips for creating a healthy holiday home.