Time can get away from you if you work from home. You may do a lot more sitting than someone who has to leave the house to go to work.
While it may seem hard to believe, the hardest thing to do when you work from home is stopping work. It’s really easy to continue to slave away at your computer.
Tips for Telecommuters
Get yourself on a schedule so your day has a clear beginning and end. Change your pajamas and brush your teeth or whatever you need to do to define your day.
Assign your estimated commute time to fitness. If it would take you 30 minutes to drive to work, then spend that time working out.
Take activity breaks between work tasks. Hop on your treadmill, do a few lunges, stretch. Small increments of activity add up.
Get up every 45 to 60 minutes. Stretch the muscles that haven’t been used while you were sitting. Consider getting a standing desk. Sitting becomes stressful for your body.
Wearable technology makes you aware of how much you’re moving. It’s recommended to get to 10,000 steps per day for health benefits. Your smart phone may have a pedometer function.
Develop good working posture. Your elbows should be at 40 degrees when you’re typing. Your screen should be at eye level. This will reduce the wear and tear on your body. Sitting on a fitness ball all day may exacerbate an issue you may not know you have.
Stretch everything that is contracted when you’re sitting. Work your hip flexors with both hands on your back pockets, push your hips forward, lean back and say “aaaaahhh.” Stretch your chest by clasping your hands behind your back and raising your arms up.
Encourage your colleagues on phone meetings to take stretch breaks. Create a culture for body care.
Listen in as Grace DeSimone joins Melanie Cole, MS, to share tips for work-from-home fitness.