Which Way is Life
Which Way is Life? is designed to help busy, overworked, stressed out people find their way to a more balanced, healthier, inspired life. Two times a week host Bill Klaproth will interview trendsetting doctors, fitness professionals, life coaches, meditation experts and more in a quest for transformational discovery and positive change.

Ep62 - Reach Your Life & Fitness Goals: Jaret Grossman

From the Show: Which Way is Life
Summary: Simple ways to reach your fitness and life goals with Jaret Grossman.
Air Date: 5/18/17
Duration: 35:07
Host: Bill Klaproth
Guest Bio: Jaret Grossman, Life Coach & Business Consultant
Jaret GrossmanAfter amassing over 30 million views on YouTube by producing a video every day for a year, Jaret Grossman has quickly become sought after as one of the world’s best life coaches and business consultants.

Jaret’s world class advice is drawn from his early childhood woes and muscular transformation. As an 8th grader, Jaret was only 90 pounds, won only one wrestling match, and was constantly picked on and bullied. He progressed to become one of New York’s best wrestlers and eventually became a 3x All-American at Bryant University.

After he pursued a career in law or investment banking, Jaret realized his passion lied elsewhere. While finishing up his JD degree, Jaret started up a health and fitness brand with his childhood friend Richie Allen. The two of them built the Muscle Prodigy presence to over 300,000 unique visitors per month, over 1 million social media followers, and topped the charts with several iTunes albums.

Jaret put out inspirational videos and many of his mindset videos on YouTube went viral, collecting over 30 million views. He immediately became looked up to by many as a beacon of light. People from all walks of life including C-level executives, pro athletes, students, and sales managers have come to Jaret looking for a transformation in their life including career empowerment, financial stability, relationship success, emotional mastery, physical health, spiritual connection, mental training, and contributions.
  • Book Title: Cracking the Code
  • Guest Facebook Account: www.facebook.com/Jaret-Grossman

What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • How many of the lessons Jaret learned can be applied to all areas of life such as business, relationships and total well-being.
  • The biggest fitness myth that needs debunking.
  • How to get started in fitness and stick with it.
  • Tips for success from his book Cracking the Code.

High Five Highlights:

  • What are you most passionate about today? Imparting wisdom to help people better understand themselves.
  • If you could go back in time, what advice would you give your younger self? Stop stressing so much, things will play out different than you think and enjoy the process more.
  • What’s the best piece of advice you were ever given? Everyone is your superior. You can learn from everyone.
  • Do you have a favorite quote? “He that receives should never forget and he that gives should never remember.”
  • "Finish this sentence: “Throughout my life the most important thing I’ve learned is...” Every decision you make matters, even the small ones that you may think don’t have any consequence.

Connect with Jaret


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