New research shows that people who experience big dips in blood sugar levels, several hours after eating, end up feeling hungrier and consuming hundreds of more calories during the day than others. ... read more
PanTheryx, Inc. was founded to create a colostrum-based solution for occasional or acute pediatric infectious diarrhea, the second leading killer of children under the age of five in the developing world.
Dr. Michael Roizen, MD, is Chief Wellness Officer at the prestigious Cleveland Clinic. He co-founded RealAge, a service providing personal health tools to consumers and now part of ShareCare. Dr. Roizen is author of the award-winning series of “RealAge” books and co-authored with Dr. Mehmet Oz the YOU: The Owner’s Manual series of bestselling books. He is a lecturer, TV personality, radio talk show personality, and an advocate of exercise and living the healthy life... and he practices what he preaches.