
Alleviate Your Back Pain At Home
Featured Speaker: Lynn Millar, PhD
There are many ways to alleviate your back pain at home and reduce your need for pain medication.
Can You Exercise With Arthritis?
Featured Speaker: Lynn Millar, PhD
The safest and most effective exercises for those suffering with debilitating arthritis.
Flexible Over 50
Featured Speaker: Lynn Millar, PhD
Does your body really tighten up as you age? Is it possible to become more flexible, even as you get older?
Avoiding Holiday Weight Gain
Featured Speaker: Jim White, RD
Does the thought of the impending holidays scare the dieter right out of you?
Get In Shape This Fall!
Featured Speaker: Jim White, RD
As the weather cools off, it is easy to slow down on your exercise routine, and feel more sluggish.
Failing at Fitness? You Need A Goal!
Featured Speaker: Barbara Bushman, Ph.D
Understanding why you want to get in shape, and setting goals for yourself, are the keys to success.
Using Games & Play For Healthy Eating Good Times
Featured Speaker: Barbara Bushman, Ph.D
Teaching your kids to eat healthy can be a challange, but there are many ways you can make it more fun.
A Balanced Approach to Anti-Aging
Featured Speaker: Barbara Bushman, Ph.D
What does it take to keep your body and mind youthful?
Working Out Together Can Strengthen Your Relationship
Featured Speaker: Mary Anderson
Can working out with a friend or partner help you build bonds that can last a lifetime? You bet!
Salads May Be Worse For You Than A Whopper
Featured Speaker: Nancy Clark, RD
Not all salads are good for you, and some contain more calories than a Whopper. We offer some sensible choices that may surprise you.